Sometimes you get caught in unfavorable circumstances and at this time you need financial support for someone. This proves a blessing in disguise if someone helps you out to come out of such a situation. You have proved an angel for me for helping me in my tough time and I will never forget this act of kindness. This act of kindness proves that you are of big heart for others. I am highly obliged to you for being an amazing and exuberant person. At this time when everyone was making an excuse to provide the financial support, you did not even complain and listened to me carefully and helped. I am thankful to you for helping me. Thank you.
Tony Blair
Dear Mr. Tom,
I do not know where to start. I do not have enough words to say thank you for helping me in my tough times and providing some financial support. What you have done for me no one can imagine; it was simply amazing. Having you as my boss is the best thing ever. You know that everyone is materialistic nowadays and just thinks about one’s personal benefits. They just turn their faces away when asking for help. I am heartedly grateful to you for helping me. It was more than I could ask ever. It simply shows that how kindhearted you are towards your employees. Thanking you once again.
Mathew Arnold
Dear Mr. Cruise,
It was a very difficult phase for me when I started moving out and the most annoying thing was for me that how I would do all this without any financial support. I knew that without the help of someone I cannot move forward but I was not expecting that someone will help me financially to get moved. You proved a true blessing for me in this difficult hour. I have been working in your company for the last six months and being a new employee here you helped me in a better way. I have learned a lot of new things in this short time and enjoyed your company. I cannot thank you enough for aiding me in my tough hours. I will return your money once I get established.
Yours truly,
Adam Bede
Dear Mr. Jonathan,
Hope you will be fine sir. I do not know where to start as I do not have enough words to pay my gratitude to you. You helped at that time when everyone refused to help. You proved a true blessing for me. I did not know that you can be such affectionate to your employees. I just shared my problem with you and in no seconds, you removed all my worries. My wife and I are extremely thankful to you and she has named my son after your name seeing your kind attitude. I highly value and owe you now.
Edward Steve
Dear Mr. Louis,
Hello, I hope you will be fine and enjoying safe and sound health. I pray for your speedy recovery and long life all the time. I am writing this message to owe my gratitude to you for bringing me out from my toughest time. I was waiting for a miracle and it really happened. My daughter was struggling her fight against cancer and I was running short of money for her treatment. I discussed the matter with you, and you supported me as you are my brother. I really owe you to show me your support at right time. You are not only a boss for me but also a helping hand. You are a praiseworthy and honorable person to me and owe my admiration. I will never forget your act of kindness until my death. Thanking in anticipation.
Mark Twain
Dear Mr. Ibsen,
Hope everything is well around the corner. May God bless you and provide you sound and good health. I am writing this message to pay my gratitude to you sincerely for helping me out and providing some money that I needed a lot in this tough time. I know that you are a helping hand towards others, but I was not expecting what you did for me. Your temporary financial support really helped me out and saved me from getting loans and it would have been difficult for me to pay back the loan. I am really indebted for your indulgence and generosity. I am thankful to you for what you have done.
Yours truly,
Pasteur Jacob